This is a picture of the mating ritual for the superb bird of paradise. He puffs up like that and jumps around making a weird clicking noise (the video describes this as "a never before seen (they like that term a LOT) cross between ballet and boogie") to attract a mate. It's from Planet Earth. We watched the video series in Honors Earth Science class last week and the week before that. There was one about the 17-year cicada (I'm not sure if it's 17, could be 14 but even that's not positive), which is a cicada that stays underground for 17 or 14 or whatever years, and then all of the cicadas come out on one day, and the entire forest floor and the trunks of all the trees are plastered with them. It's disgusting, and I am a person who loves bugs. Then all of the animals feast on them for a couple days until they are stuffed and the hordes that are left die. Of course during the excitement they all lay their eggs, so then the forest is covered with bug eggs.
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